Leg ulcer service
one stop diagnostic service to support the community
The Birmingham Vascular Centre operates one stop leg ulcer assessment clinics across our hospital sites at Good Hope, Heartlands, Queen Elizabeth, Sandwell and Solihull.
We conduct a comprehensive arterial and venous assessment including non invasive investigations in clinic as appropriate.
A treatment plan is then formulated and agreed with the patient including advice on base layer dressings and compression. We work with the community nursing services to implement this management plan and offer further review of patients if problems in implementation arrive or if further investigation or treatment is required.
Which patients should be referred to this service?
Consider referring patients with
active leg ulcers in the gaiter region of their lower limbs.
Please complete the leg ulcer service referral form to ensure that your patient is seen promptly by the leg ulcer service.
When should another service be used?
Patients with evidence of severe infection (tracking cellulitis, pyrexia) should be discussed with the on-call medical team for consideration of admission.
Patients with leg swelling should be referred to the community lymphoedema service. Lymphoedema Service : Birmingham Community Healthcare (bhamcommunity.nhs.uk) using Lymphoedema referral form below
Who can make a referral?
Referrals can by made by GPs, district or practice nurses.